IKEA’S Klippan Sofa

Klippan Sofa

I recently moved to San Diego, from Seattle and all my stuff is still in Seattle so I have no where to sit! Or sleep! So I have been looking on Craigslist.com for deals. I want to decorate my apartment like the model so I have been looking for modern, contemporary sofas. IKEA has great furniture for that style. So I started looking for the Klippan style. This couch is really popular because everytime I found one on craigslist.com someone else was buying it.

So finally I found one that wasn’t spoken for and got it delivered to me this morning. I paid $100 for it, but wow, it sure needs to be cleaned. I was expecting a lot cleaner, because this couch is $250 new, but oh well. Once I get my steam cleaner down from Seattle, it will be good as new! So anyways, I went to IKEA to get a new slipcover, because I am not going to sit on it as it is. And to my dismay they had little to choose from.

They have the natural slipcover color, which I do not recommend because it looks naturally dirty even in new condition. They also have navy blue, red, white, black, sheep skin, and 5 with different patterns. I was disapointed because I thought they would have a lot more. I chose black at first and when I went down into the warehouse part of ikea, I saw one with a pattern that caught my eye.

Its lime green and dark green and white. It kind of looks like something you would find in Hawaii or something. Anyways, I really like it. I think it looks great in my livingroom. I love the look of the Klippan sofa and also I like the look of the Kramfors. But for now I’m enjoying my semi new and recovered IKEA Klippan loveseat, thanks to craigslist.com! And Ikea.

Klippan Sofa


  1. I was glad to read that you found a suitable cover for your Klippan but thought you may be interested to know that we (www.bemz.com) also make covers for most IKEA sofas and chairs, including the Kramfors and many discontinued models. At present we are up to about 100 different fabrics in a wide avariety of colors, textures and patterns. You can test drive them online on your Klippan and even order up to 5 free swatches. Plus they are all machine washable! Check us out and let us know what you think.

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  3. tomcaggianos Said:

    I would like to have two of these sofas, across each other with a ottoman or a coffee table between them…My favorite one is the black leather sofabecause it’s very timeless and it suits both classic and modern style.I also like the new white faux leather one. I like the shiny finish, I think it would look great in a modern style living room with crystal chandeliers and mirrors.

  4. steam cleaners can clean lots of dirty clothes in a very short period of time that is why i always prefer to use them ,`,

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